Education has always been a central focus for the International Environment Forum since it is critical to the implementation of so many issues. IEF is a partner in the Partnership for Education and Research about Responsible Living (PERL/UNITWIN) network and its predecessors, collaborates with other partners, produces educational materials, and designs on-line courses, among others. Some of our major activities are listed below. See also the e-learning section of this web site.
Values-based Education
PERL values-based indicators, three toolkits on values-based education for secondary school use, September 2014
Meaning, Values and Spirituality in Children and Youth, symposium in Winterthur, Switzerland, December 2013, where IEF participated
IEF 14th Annual Conference, Brighton, U.K., 16-18 December 2010, on indicators, sustainability and values
Values-based Indicators, research project, August 2010
Some relevant papers
Values-based education for environment and
sustainable development, Arthur Dahl, based on a paper
prepared for UNEP, January 2016
Ethics in Sustainability Education, Arthur
Dahl 2015, pp. 27-40. In Thoresen, Victoria W., Robert J. Didham, Jorgen
Klein and Declan Doyle (eds), Responsible Living: Concepts, Education
and Future Perspectives. Heidelberg and Switzerland: Springer
Values Education for Sustainable Consumption and
Production: From Knowledge to Action, Arthur Dahl, presented
at the Global Research Forum on Sustainable Consumption and Production,
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 13-15 June 2012.
Dialogues Between Faith Values and Education for
Sustainable Development Values - The Baha'i Faith, Arthur Dahl
2012, in Exploring Synergies between Faith Values and Education for
Sustainable Development.
Values-based Indicators for Responsible Living,
Arthur Dahl, paper presented at the PERL International Conference,
Istanbul, Turkey, 14-15 March 2011.
Climate Change Education
Interfaith Climate Change Course in Spanish, May 2016
IEF launches French course on climate change, July 2015
Online Interfaith Course on Climate Change, March 2020
Environment and Sustainability Education
Transforming Education for Sustainable Futures, launched in January 2020, is a network and action research project coordinated out of the University of Bristol, UK, (https://tesf.network/) working with partners in India, Rwanda,Somalia/Somaliland, South Africa, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands. Briefing paper: "The Case for Transformative Public Education: Responding to Covid-19 now while addressing long-term underlying inequalities" https://tesf.network/resource/transformative-public-education/
Workshop on Sustainable Lifestyles and Education, Vienna, 20 November 2015
Families as Agents of Change to Build a Just and Sustainable Society, August 2015
IEF 19th Annual Conference, UNESCO, Paris, 10-11 March 2015, including IEF symposium on ethical transformation and education for service
Responsible Living: Concepts, Education and Future Perspectives, book with IEF contributions
IEF contribution on Education for Sustainable Development to UN post-2015 consultation. 7 May 2013
Beyond Consumption: Pathways to Responsible Living, PERL Conference, Berlin, 19-20 March 2012
PERL International Conference in Istanbul, 14-15 March 2011
Last updated 21 May 2020