e-learning centre on sustainable development
(In Powerpoint (ppt) or pdf format for downloading. Unnecessary graphics and photographs have often been removed from these presentations to reduce the size of the files. The content may be freely used with acknowledgement.)
Many presentations are also available in IEF Annual Conference programmes, and presentations of a devotional character can be found on the Devotions page.
In English
Navigating the Storm: The Transition to Sustainability
Web talk by Arthur Dahl for the Wilmette Institute, 6 September 2015, pdf version (1.1mb)
Video recording on you tube: https://youtu.be/kxULSlF5gSQ
'Abdu'l-Baha and Sustainability
(Presentation at the First Cloud Conference on Scholarship and the Arts: 'Abdul-Baha, Legacies and Resonances, 13 October 2012, 6.1 mb)
Introducing Solutions: Ways Forward to True Prosperity
(A. Dahl keynote at the 12th IEF Conference, de Poort, the Netherlands, 20 September 2008, 2.8 mb)
The State of the World (2.7 mb without graphics)
a brief review of the challenges facing the planet
(7.6 mb full presentation with graphics)
(A. Dahl, prepared for AIESEC International Presidents' Meeting, Ohrid, Macedonia, 25 February 2008)
Ethical Challenges of Climate Change
(A. Dahl, presented at the 11th IEF Conference, Ottawa, Canada, 12 October 2007, 2.5 mb)
The Challenge of Sustainability
an introduction to sustainability issues
(A. Dahl, prepared for AIESEC conferences in 2006, 3 mb)
The Energy Challenge
a summary of the energy crisis and its implications for our future
(A. Dahl, prepared for AIESEC conferences in 2006, 1 mb)
United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014)
describes the Decade and its implications for the U.S. Baha'i community
(P. Adriance, 2004, 335 kb)
En français / In French
Energie et changement climatique
Les défis conjoints du changement climatique et de la pénurie d'énergie
(A. Dahl, 2009, 17.4 mb)
Développement durable dans la Méditerranée
(A. Dahl, 2005, 12 mb)
The Multiple Dimensions of Climate Change
Special Plenary at the 2008 Baha'i Conference on Social and Economic Development
Orlando, Florida, 20 December 2008
(quick links and mp3 audio recordings)
Arthur Dahl: The Science of Climate Change
quick link: http://www.scribd.com/doc/9415165/Arthur-OrlandoClimate08
(mp3 audio recording 15 mb)
(powerpoint presentation 15 mb)
Halldor Thorgeirsson: International Climate Negotiations – an Overview
quick link: http://www.scribd.com/doc/9415151/Thorgeirsson-Panel-Presentation
(mp3 audio recording 8.5 mb)
Tahirih Naylor, Bahá'à International Community: The Moral and Ethical Dimensions of Climate Change
quick link: http://www.scribd.com/doc/9415174/Tahirih-Climate-Change-Presentation
(mp3 audio recording 16 mb)
Duncan Hanks: Learning to Integrate Action on Climate Change with the Activities of the Five Year Plan: A story from Canada
quick link: http://www.scribd.com/doc/9415168/Hanks-Cdn-Envir-Actions-Dec18
(mp3 audio recording 14 mb)
The Eco Principle:
Radio interview by Andrew Singer in Budapest with IEF President Arthur Dahl
November 2005 (mp3 - 1 hour)
A spiritual approach to climate and the environment
Radio interview with Peter Adriance on radiobahai, http://www.wlgi.org in Georgia, USA
November 2013