University of Brighton, United Kingdom, 16 December 2010
The IEF General Assembly, held during the 14th Conference of the International Environment Forum, opened at 13:35 on 16 December with a welcome from IEF President Arthur Dahl, followed by introductions from those present. There were 8 members present and 3 guests. Because time was short, it was agreed that the officers of the IEF would serve as officers of the General Assembly: Arthur Dahl (chair); Sylvia Karlsson-Vinkhuyzen (secretary). The agenda (Annex 1) was reviewed and approved.
Annual report
The annual report (Annual Report 2009-2010) was
then presented briefly by Arthur Dahl and approved by the members.
Election of the Governing Board
The election of the Governing Board for 2010-2011 then took place with
Onno Vinkhuyzen and Cunningham Worth serving as tellers. There were 7
ballots received by e-mail and 8 voting in person for a total of 15
voting. The board elected consists of: Arthur Dahl, Sylvia
Karlsson-Vinkhuyzen, Peter Adriance, Victoria Thoresen, Duncan Hanks,
Diana Cartwright and Emily Firth.
Introduction of the new web site
The new IEF web site launched just before the conference was introduced
very briefly.
Consultation on activities and priorities for
the coming year
Consultation on activities and priorities for the coming year was limited
by the beginning of another conference session in the same room.
Other business
There was no other business.
The General Assembly was adjourned at 14:15.
14th General Assembly of the International Environment Forum
University of Brighton, UK, 16 December 20101. Opening of the General Assembly
2. Introduction of members present
3. Election of officers of the General Assembly
4. Approval of the agenda
5. Presentation, consultation and approval of the annual report (Annual Report 2009-2010)
6. Election of the Governing Board
7. Introduction of the new web site
- member forums, activity reports and blogs
- posting educational materials
8. Consultation on activities and priorities for the coming year, such as:
- educational activities
- how to engage members
- activities on climate change
- engaging with sustainable consumption (theme of next CSD)
- collaboration with various partner organizations and networks
- future IEF conferences
9. Other business
10. Closing of the General Assembly
See the Annual Report 2009-2010 of the IEF