Friday 4 October 2013, Gran Hotel Rey Don Jaime, Castelldefels, Spain
1. Opening of the General Assembly
The General Assembly was opened by IEF president Arthur Dahl at 18:10 on 4 October 2013, who welcomed the members and visitors present.
2. Introduction of members present
Members present were Arthur Dahl, Susie Howard, Wendi Momen, Farzin Rahmani, Michael Richards, Sarah Richards, Victoria Thoresen and Andreas Vatsellas. Jason Maude stopped by to vote but could not remain because of other duties. Five visitors were also present.
3. Election of officers of the General Assembly
Arthur Dahl agreed to serve as present and Sarah Richards as secretary. Two tellers were designated from among the visitors present.
4. Approval of the agenda
The agenda was approved as presented (Annex 1).
5. Presentation, consultation and approval of the annual report
The president presented the Annual Report 2012-2013, and members consulted on a number of parts of the report before approving the report as presented.
6. Election of the Governing Board
The election was held with nine members voting in person and 5 by email. The members elected to the Governing Board for 2013-2014 were: Arthur Dahl, Sylvia Karlsson-Vinkhuyzen, Peter Adriance, Victoria Thoresen, Emily Firth, Duncan Hanks, and Wendi Momen.
7. Consultation on activities and priorities for the coming year
Most of the consultation revolved around ways to engage members. Suggestions included to link with mobile networking, although this could involve dealing with a large number of questions; and writing to members to increase connections and to explain what IEF has to offer. Offering internships could help to carry out the work of the Forum. It will be important for the future of IEF that the work of the Forum be distributed more widely. Members were advised of the possible locations of future conferences, such as Apia, Samoa or Oxford, England, in 2014, Paris, France, at UNESCO in partnership with PERL in 2015, and Latin America in combination with the dedication of the House of Worship in Chile in 2016.
8. Other business
There was no other business.
9. Closing of the General Assembly
After the president thanked all those present for their participation, the General Assembly was closed at 19:20.
17th International Environment Forum
General Assembly
Friday 4 October 2013
Gran Hotel Rey Don Jaime, Castelldefels, Spain
1. Opening of the General Assembly
2. Introduction of members present
3. Election of officers of the General Assembly
4. Approval of the agenda
5. Presentation, consultation and approval of the annual report
6. Election of the Governing Board
7. Consultation on activities and priorities for the coming year,
such as:
- post-2015 consultation on environmental sustainability
- climate change and the larger discourse
- educational activities
- engaging members
- engaging with sustainable consumption
- collaboration with various partner organizations and networks
- future IEF conferences
8. Other business
9. Closing of the General Assembly
Last updated 15 October 2013