Saturday 9 August 2014, Hotel Fairmont Royal York, Toronto, Canada
1. Opening of the General Assembly
The General Assembly was opened by IEF President Arthur Dahl, who welcomed the members and visitors present.
2. Introduction of members present
Members and guests introduced themselves. Members present were Peter Adriance, Samuel Benoit, Vivian Bergenthal, Diana Cartwright, Gary Colliver, Arthur Dahl, John McLaughlin, Christine Muller and Fereidoun Fred Samadani. Four visitors were also present.
3. Selection of officers of the General Assembly
The meeting agreed that Arthur Dahl should serve preside at the General Assembly, and Sam Benoit offered to serve as secretary.
4. Approval of the agenda
The agenda was approved as presented.
5. Presentation, consultation and approval of the annual report
Arthur Dahl summarized the achievements of the International Environment Forum contained in the Annual Report 2013-2014 which had previously been sent to all the members. Several questions were asked regarding the Annual Report, membership and the nature of the IEF.
6. Election of the Governing Board
Gary Colliver and Christine Muller agreed to serve as tellers. A prayer was read and members present completed their paper ballots. Tellers began counting the paper and email ballots while questionnaire topics were read. Nine ballots were cast in person and 15 by email, for 24 ballots in all. All ballots were valid. The elected members of the Governing Board for 2014-2015 are Arthur Dahl, Peter Adriance, Emily Firth, Sylvia Karlsson-Vinkhuyzen, Victoria Thoresen, Wendi Momen and Duncan Hanks.
7. Consultation on activities and priorities for the coming year
The questionnaire for members to determine how the IEF could serve them
better was distributed and discussed briefly.
Two suggestions emerged in the consultation. Information should be shared
on the climate change march being planned for New York in September just
before the UN Climate Summit, which the American Baha'i community is
encouraged to support. Following the recommendation in the Universal House
of Justice's letter of 24 July 2013 concerning the Association for Baha'i
Studies - North America that smaller meetings among experts on more
focused topics would be useful, the IEF should consider hosting online
consultations on specific areas of interest.
8. Other business
The chair asked if there was any further business.
9. Closing of the General Assembly
The chair declared the general assembly over and advised that the election results would be sent to members later.
18th International Environment Forum General Assembly
Saturday 9 August 2014
Hotel Fairmont Royal York, Toronto, Canada
1. Opening of the General Assembly
2. Introduction of members present
3. Selection of officers of the General Assembly
4. Approval of the agenda
5. Presentation, consultation and approval of the annual report
6. Election of the Governing Board
7. Consultation on activities and priorities for the coming year, such
- what should be the elements of the IEF's evolving conceptual framework?
- how do our members correlate spiritual teachings and principles with the
themes of sustainability and the environment in the context of both their
professional and service activities?
- how can we help IEF members to "examine the forces operating in society
and introduce relevant aspects of the teachings within the discourse
prevalent in whatever social space he or she is present." (UHJ)
- how can the IEF best collect and share information on the experience of
its members in doing this?
- what activities could IEF develop that would be especially relevant to
young people?
- collaboration with various partner organizations and networks
- suggestions for future IEF conferences
8. Other business
9. Closing of the General Assembly
Last updated 12 August 2014