UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France, 11 March 2015
1. Opening of the General Assembly
The General Assembly was opened by IEF President Arthur Dahl, who welcomed the members and visitors present.
2. Introduction of members present
Members present were Arthur Dahl (Switzerland), Roxanna Dela Fiamor (France), Sylvia Karlsson-Vinkhuyzen (Netherlands), Jamie Konopacky (USA), Zulay Posada (Colombia), Victoria Thoresen (Norway), Ismael Velasco (UK), Erasmus Vinkhuyzen and Onno Vinkhuyzen (Netherlands), and visitor Gemma Burford (UK).
3. Selection of officers of the General Assembly
Arthur Dahl presided, and Jamie Konopacky served as secretary.
4. Approval of the agenda
The agenda was approved with a slight modification in the order (Annex 1).
5. Election of the Governing Board
Gemma Burford and Roxanna Dela Fiamor agreed to serve as tellers. A prayer was read and the eight adult members present completed their paper ballots, while nine ballots had previously been received by email, for 17 ballots in all. All ballots were valid. The elected members of the Governing Board for 2015-2016 are Arthur Dahl, Peter Adriance, Emily Firth, Sylvia Karlsson-Vinkhuyzen, Victoria Thoresen, Wendi Momen and Duncan Hanks.
6. Presentation, consultation and approval of the annual report
Arthur Dahl summarized the achievements of the International Environment Forum contained in the Annual Report 2014-2015 which had previously been sent to all the members. The annual report was approved unanimously.
7. Consultation on activities and priorities for the coming year
There was a discussion of IEF engagement in the lead up to the UN Climate Change Conference (COP21) in Paris in December 2015, including possible involvement in side events and general participation in the conference. Ismael Velasco suggested a cloud conference as method of generating greater participation. We need to determine how many members could come to Paris in December to support IEF activities. Jamie Konopacky will be there for the Baha'i International Community, and Arthur Dahl, Sylvia Karlsson, Gemma Burford and Ismael Velasco also volunteered to come to Paris.
The chair advised the General Assembly that the board had named a task force to review the IEF and its functions, coordinated by Jamie Konopacky. Jamie suggested that it would be very useful if Ismael could be added to the task force for his expertise in information and communications technologies.
There was a discussion of the possibility of holding the next IEF conference in Latin America in conjunction with the dedication of the Baha'i House of Worship in Chile. This would be an opportunity to mobilize and gain new IEF members in Latin America. The "Our Voices" campaign in which the American Baha'i community is participating would also like to extend its activities in Central and South America.
8. Other business
There was no other business.
9. Closing of the General Assembly
The chair thanked all those present and declared the General Assembly closed at 18:50.
19th International Environment Forum General Assembly
UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France
11 March 2015
Room V, 18:00-19:00
1. Opening of the General Assembly
2. Introduction of members present
3. Selection of officers of the General Assembly
4. Approval of the agenda
5. Election of the Governing Board
6. Presentation, consultation and approval of the annual report
7. Consultation on activities and priorities for the coming year, such
- IEF engagement in the lead up to COP21 in Paris, December 2015
- Review of the IEF and its functions
8. Other business
9. Closing of the General Assembly
Last updated 13 March 2015