Rosen Centre Hotel, Orlando, Florida, USA, 16 December 2005
The 9th General Assembly of the International Environment Forum was held the day after the 9th Annual Conference of the IEF in Orlando, Florida, USA.
The General Assembly was attended by 7 members: Peter Adriance (USA), Dale Allen (Swaziland), Irma Allen (Swaziland), Ruth Allen (USA), Arthur Dahl (Switzerland), Mark Griffin (USA) and Owrang Kashef (USA), and 6 visitors.
The President of the International Environment Forum, Dr. Arthur Dahl, formally opened the 9th General Assembly. The members present and visitors introduced themselves. The Assembly selected as officers of the General Assembly: Arthur Dahl as chair and Irma Allen as secretary. The proposed agenda was approved (Annex 1).
Annual report
The chairman presented the Annual Report (Annual
Report 2004-2005) by going through its main points, after which is
was opened for consultation. The Assembly approved the report.
Election of the Governing Board
Two tellers were appointed. The IEF members present voted, and the votes
sent over e-mail were downloaded for the tellers as well. 14 votes were
cast, including 7 via e-mail. The elected Board members are: Arthur Dahl
(Switzerland), Peter Adriance (USA), Sylvia Karlsson (Sweden), Irma Allen
(Swaziland), Roxanne Lalonde (Swaziland), Gail Lash (USA), Charles Boyle
Consultation on activities and priorities for
the coming year
A number of suggestions were made. A major focus would continue to be the
United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable
Development, including support to the follow-up to the 9th
conference in the United States.
Other business
There was no other business.
The chair thanked all the participants, and closed the General Assembly.
1. Opening of the General Assembly
2. Introduction of members present
3. Election of officers of the General Assembly
4. Approval of the Agenda
5. Presentation and consultation on the Annual Report (Annual Report 2004-2005)
6. Election of the Governing Board
7. Consultation on the implementation of the IEF Five Year Plan and suggestions for the next plan
8. Consultation on activities and priorities for the coming year, including:
- publications
- educational activities
- engagement in the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development and the Consumer Citizenship Network
- issue monitors
- representation of IEF at UN meetings
- future IEF Conferences
9. Other business
10. Closing of the General Assembly