15-18 August 1999
Sidcot, United Kingdom
part of a
Bahá’à Development and Environment Summit
Practical Applications of Spiritual
A Conference on Social and Economic Development
and the Environment
Organised jointly by the Bahá’à Agency for Social and Economic
Development (UK)
and the International Environmental Forum
Sidcot School, Sidcot, Avon, United Kingdom, 15-18 August 1999
Conference Programme
[The texts of available papers are linked through the titles when underlined]
Keynote address: "Rethinking Social and Economic Development and the Environment" Augusto Lopez-Claros (United Kingdom) (Chair: Sylvia Karlsson) |
on Social and Economic Development by the Universal House of
Justice" Hassan Sabri (United Kingdom) (Chair: Arthur Dahl) |
the Baha’i Principles in Education in Latin America" Michael Richards (United Kingdom) (Chair: Gunnar Lange-Neilsen) |
in the 21st Century: Theory and Practice" Augusto Lopez-Claros (United Kingdom) (Chair: Irma Allen) |
Sharing Experiences: Nancy McIntyre (USA); Gisle Grimeland (Norway); Richard Hainsworth (Russia); Laurence de Closets (France) and others (Chair: Farzin Rahmani) |
Baha'i contribution to the ROYAMOUNT PROCESS on Stability and Good
Neighbourliness in Southeastern Europe: Promoting Positive
Messages through the Media - The Happy Hippo Show" Kazem Samandari-Hakim (France) (Chair: Kay Manoocheri) - video presentation |
Within Environmental Limits: Implications of Baha'i Principles
for Sustainable Development" : Arthur Dahl (Switzerland) (Chair: Lesley Casely-Hayford) |
Education and Communication Strategies for our Communities: Why
Not?" Irma Allen (Swaziland) (Chair: Richard Hainsworth) |
Workshop:"Developing Educational Materials on the Environment for Baha'i Communities" |
Third General Assembly of the International Environment Forum |
on the Earth Charter: An Earth Charter Update" Peter Adriance (by e-mail) |
Case Study in Social and Economic Development at the Local Level" Pershore Baha’i Community (Chair: Bibhas Neogi) |
of Women and Social and Economic Development" Geeta Kingdon (Chair: Erica Leith) |
Workshop/audiovisual presentation "Community-based
environmental management: empowering people with environmental
understanding" Arthur Dahl (Introduction: Mike Hainsworth) |
the Grassroots: Investigation for Community Development" Lesley Casely-Hayford (Ghana) (Chair: Michael Richards) |
Processes Towards World Peace: External Affairs Aspects of SED
& Environmental Activities" Barney Leith (UK) |
forum and panel discussion (Chair: Sylvia Karlsson) |