Global Climate Change Week
14-18 October 2024
The International Environment Forum is contributing to Global Climate Change Week by alerting its members to recent scientific studies that show how critical it is to make a rapid transformation in our global energy system away from fossil fuels.
On 8 October, a report "Earth’s ‘vital signs’ show humanity’s future in balance" stated that record emissions, temperatures and population mean more scientists are looking into the possibility of societal collapse. On 10 October, another paper 'Irreversible' environmental disasters loom as global temperatures rise said that overshooting the 1.5°C target set by the Paris Agreement would set in motion changes such as sea level rise and rapid methane emissions from melting permafrost that could not be reversed by returning to a cooler planet later.
When serious scientists in the most recognised journals use terms like "societal collapse" and "irreversible environmental disaster", this shows how serious things have become, as the world suffers one massive hurricane, flood or fire after another. Yet fossil fuel producers are expanding exploration and output to make massive profits now, regardless of the consequences.
Last updated 14 October 2024
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