Online Interfaith Course on Climate Change
The Wilmette Institute will again offer an 8-week online course on climate change, from 1 March to 26 April 2015. The course explores the basic science of climate change and provides an understanding of how climate disruption impacts us today and will continue to affect us in the future. We will explore ethical questions related to climate change and address them in the context of the spiritual teachings of the world’s religions, especially those of the Baha’i Faith. Some readings will help us make enlightened decisions for our personal and community lives that are consistent with our spiritual and ethical values. For those interested in a more thorough study of climate change and its spiritual dimensions or who are interested in specific aspects of it, the course offers numerous optional resources. The Wilmette Institute is an online Baha’i Learning Center. Its courses are open to members of all religions. For more information or to register, please, visit: http://www.cvent.com/events/climate-change/event-summary-3d303dccbed44dā¦