Les dimensions scientifiques et spirituelles du changement climatique
A French Interfaith Study Course in 5 classes
Un cours interreligieux en français en 5 modules
The International Environment Forum has just launched an interfaith course in French on The Scientific and Spiritual Dimensions of Climate Change. This is a shortened version in 5 or 6 classes of the popular course in English which is both available on the IEF web site, and has also been taught for several years through the Wilmette Institute on-line learning center. A number of French-speaking IEF members have helped course designer Christine Muller to translate the course into French, and their efforts are greatly appreciated. With the UN Climate Change Conference, COP21, being held in Paris on 30 November-11 December 2015, it seemed important that these training materials be available in French to assist those who want to prepare for activities in Paris or to organize discussions of the issues in their own communities.
See Christine Muller's article in the Wilmette Institute newsletter: http://wilmetteinstitute.org/translation-of-climate-change-course-into-…