Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals
Video of a GEPP Policy Dialogue in Geneva
The University of Geneva Global Environmental Policy Programme (GEPP) held a two-week Executive Summer School 31 August-11 September, for which Arthur Dahl was one of the faculty, with participants from as far away as China, South Africa and Ecuador. A public GEPP Policy Dialogue was held on 2 September at International Environment House in Geneva, Switzerland, on the topic "Implementing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Challenges and Responses", featuring the Swiss ambassador who negotiated the Sustainable Development Goals for the governmental perspective, an expert from the World Business Council for Sustainable Development for the business perspective, and Arthur Dahl, President of IEF, for the civil society perspective featuring IEF experience, chaired by the Director of UNEP's Regional Office for Europe. The University has posted a full video recording of the panel discussion at https://vimeo.com/138195156 [0:55:15] Arthur Dahl, President, International Environment Forum.
Last updated 10 September 2015