The Interfaith Study Course on the Scientific and Spiritual Dimensions of Climate Change prepared for IEF by Christine Muller and used successfully in many communities for study circles, is now available in Spanish, translated by IEF member Zulay Posada of Colombia. The original course in English in 9 modules is available on the IEF web site, and was used to design the very successful on-line course on Climate Change offered through the Wilmette Institute. A 5-module course in French was prepared last year in anticipation of the Paris Climate Change Conference in December 2015. This course is now available in Spanish, which is appropriate since the next IEF Annual Conference will be held in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, on 7-9 October 2016. These courses are designed for self-study and use in local communities or organizations, and include instructions for facilitators, so no special training or experience is required to use them. They are excellent to build a shared understanding of climate change and our responsibility to respond to it among people of all religious backgrounds, and can be useful for interfaith work.
Las dimensiones científicas y espirituales del cambio climatico (pdf)
A Spanish Interfaith Study Course in 5 classes - Una clase entrereligiosa en español en 5 modulos