Excerpts from a paper prepared by the Office of Social and Economic
at the BahĂĄâĂ World Centre, 26 November 2012
relevant to the work of Baha'i-inspired organizations
II. A framework for collective learning
The mode of operation adopted in the area of social and economic development... is one of learning in action. When efforts are carried out in a learning modeâcharacterized by constant action, reflection, consultation, and studyâvisions and strategies are re-examined time and again. As tasks are accomplished, obstacles removed, resources multiplied, and lessons learned, modifications are made in goals and methods. The learning process, which is given direction through appropriate institutional arrangements, unfolds in a way that resembles the growth and differentiation of a living organism. Haphazard change is avoided, and continuity of action maintained. (II, §para.1)
Achieving progressively higher degrees of coherence both within and among the broad interconnected fields of endeavour... is clearly a vital concern. It suggests that areas of activity are to be complementary, integrated, and mutually supportive. Further, it implies the existence of a common, overarching framework that gives shape to activities and which evolves and becomes more elaborate as experience accumulates. (II §3)
Among the elements most relevant to social action are statements that define the character of progressâthat civilization has both a material and a spiritual dimension, that humanity is on the threshold of its collective maturity, that there are destructive and constructive forces operating in the world which serve to propel humanity along the path towards its full maturity, that the relationships necessary to sustain society must be recast in the light of BahĂĄâuâllĂĄhâs Revelation, that the transformation required must occur simultaneously within human consciousness and the structure of social institutions. (II §4)
Other elements that speak to the nature of social action are derived from a particular perspective on the role of knowledge in the development of society. The complementarity of science and religion, the imperative of spiritual and material education, the influence of values inherent to technology on the organization of society, and the relevance of appropriate technology to social progress are among the issues involved. Views related to the generation and application of knowledge have implications not only for the nature of development but also for the question of methodology.... yet another set of elements of the framework [are] those statements that analyze concepts such as individualism, power, authority, personal comfort, selfless service, work, and excellence. (II §5)
Finally, at the heart of the conceptual framework for social action lie elements that describe beliefs about fundamental issues of existence, such as the nature of the human being, the purpose of life, the oneness of humanity, and the equality of men and women. While for BahĂĄâĂs these touch on immutable convictions, they are not staticâthe way in which they are understood and find expression in various contexts evolves over time. (II §6)
III. The nature of BahĂĄâĂ social and economic development
(i) Coherence between the spiritual and the material
That a global civilization which is both materially and spiritually prosperous represents the next stage of a millennia-long process of social evolution provides a conception of history that endows every instance of social action with a particular purpose: to foster true prosperity, with its spiritual and material dimensions, among the diverse inhabitants of the planet. A concept of vital relevance, then, is the imperative to achieve a dynamic coherence between the practical and spiritual requirements of life. (III i §1)
To seek coherence between the spiritual and the material does not imply that the material goals of development are to be trivialized. It does require, however, the rejection of approaches to development which define it as the transfer to all societies of the ideological convictions, the social structures, the economic practices, the models of governanceâin the final analysis, the very patterns of lifeâprevalent in certain highly industrialized regions of the world. When the material and spiritual dimensions of the life of a community are kept in mind and due attention is given to both scientific and spiritual knowledge, the tendency to reduce development to the mere consumption of goods and services and the naive use of technological packages is avoided. Scientific knowledge, to take but one simple example, helps the members of a community to analyze the physical and social implications of a given technological proposalâsay, its environmental impactâand spiritual insight gives rise to moral imperatives that uphold social harmony and that ensure technology serves the common good. Together, these two sources of knowledge tap roots of motivation in individuals and communities, so essential in breaking free from the shelter of passivity, and enable them to uncover the traps of consumerism. (III i §3)
Although the relevance of scientific knowledge to development efforts is readily acknowledged in the world at large, there appears to be less agreement on the part to be played by religion. Too often views about religion carry with them notions of division, strife, and repression, creating a reluctance to turn to it as a source of knowledgeâeven among those who question the adequacy of entirely materialistic approaches. Interestingly, the high esteem in which science is held does not necessarily imply that its practice and purpose are well understood. Its underlying meaning, too, is surrounded by misconception. Not infrequently it is conceived in terms of the application of certain techniques and formulas, which, as if by magic, lead to this or that effect. It is not surprising, then, that what is considered to be religious knowledge is not in harmony with science, and much of what is propagated in the name of science denies the spiritual capacities cultivated by religion. (III i §4)
Social action, of whatever size and complexity, should strive to remain free of simplistic and distorted conceptions of science and religion. To this end, an imaginary duality between reason and faithâa duality that would confine reason to the realm of empirical evidence and logical argumentation and which would associate faith with superstition and irrational thoughtâmust be avoided. The process of development has to be rational and systematicâincorporating, for example, scientific capabilities of observing, of measuring, of rigorously testing ideasâand at the same time deeply aware of faith and spiritual convictions. In the words of âAbduâl-BahĂĄ: âfaith compriseth both knowledge and the performance of good works.â Faith and reason can best be understood as attributes of the human soul through which insights and knowledge can be gained about the physical and the spiritual dimensions of existence. They make it possible to recognize the powers and capacities latent in individuals and in humanity as a whole and enable people to work for the realization of these potentialities. (III i §5)
(ii) Participation
What appears to be called for... is the involvement of a growing number of people in a collective process of learning, one which is focused on the nature and dynamics of a path that conduces to the material and spiritual progress of their villages or neighbourhoods. Such a process would allow its participants to engage in the generation, application, and diffusion of knowledge, a most potent and indispensable force in the advancement of civilization. (III ii §2)
In this connection, it is important to realize that the application and propagation of existing knowledge is invariably accompanied by the generation of new knowledgeâmuch of which takes the form of insights acquired through experience. Here the systematization of learning is crucial. (III ii §3)
The approach to development that comes into focus... defies categorization into either âtop-downâ or âbottom-upâ; it is one, rather, of reciprocity and interconnectedness. (III ii §4)
(iii) Capacity building
...far more essential [than goals to improve conditions] is the accompanying rise in the capacity of the participants in an endeavour to contribute to progress. (III iii §1)
The participants in such endeavours are able to acquire, in turn, knowledge and skills pertinent to the specific areas of action in which they are engagedâhealth, agricultural production, and education, to name but a fewâwhile continuing to strengthen those capacities..., for instance, fostering unity in diversity, promoting justice, participating effectively in consultation, and accompanying others in their efforts to serve humanity. (III iii §2)
...even the smallest group of individuals labouring at the grassroots must be able to maintain a consultative environment characterized by qualities of honesty, fairness, patience, tolerance, and courtesy. At a higher level of complexity, an organization dedicated to social action needs to develop the capacity to read society and identify the forces operating within it, to translate a vision of progress into projects and distinct, interconnected lines of action, to manage financial resources, and to interact with both governmental and non-governmental agencies. (III iii §3)
A process of community development, however, needs to reach beyond the level of activity and concern itself with those modes of expression and patterns of thought and behaviour that are to characterize a humanity which has come of age. In short, it must enter into the realm of culture. Viewed in this light, social action can become an occasion to raise collective consciousness of such vital principles as oneness, justice, and the equality of women and men; to promote an environment distinguished by traits such as truthfulness, equity, trustworthiness, and generosity; to enhance the ability of a community to resist the influence of destructive social forces; to demonstrate the value of cooperation as an organizing principle for activity; to fortify collective volition; and to infuse practice with insight from the teachings. For, in the final analysis, many of the questions most central to the emergence of a prosperous global civilization are to be addressed at the level of culture. (III iii §4)
(iv) Degrees of complexity
...a few words should be added here about the appearance of such [BahĂĄâĂ-inspired] organizations worldwide. Whether in the practice of their professions, in the discharge of occupational responsibilities, or in dealings of other kinds, all BahĂĄâĂs derive inspiration from the teachings and principles of the Faith and endeavour to reflect their high standards in day-to-day interactions. Further, given the nature of the field of development, a number of BahĂĄâĂs will choose to associate themselves with one or another national or international agency working for the good of humankind and will, to the extent possible, bring BahĂĄâĂ teachings to bear on their operations. In this sense their efforts are inspired by the Faith. (III iv §5)
(v) Flow of resources
The practice of dividing the world into dichotomous groups of âthe developedâ and âthe underdevelopedâ, of âthe advancedâ and âthe backwardâ, is foreign to BahĂĄâĂ efforts in the field of developmentâindeed, to all BahĂĄâĂ endeavours. (III v §2)
Yet, irrespective of their sources, in no way do such funds set the agenda for development efforts in the communities that accept assistance. The relationship of dependence so prevalent in the world today, whereby certain regions are beholden to others for access to resources, is unacceptable. (III v §4)
âSocial changeâ, the Universal House of Justice made clear..., âis not a project that one group of people carries out for the benefit of anotherâ, and in general BahĂĄâĂs from one area do not establish development projects for others. (III v §5)
...the idea of an expert from outside being allowed to impose his or her professional aspirations on the local population is thus avoided. (III v §6)
In the efforts of BahĂĄâĂs everywhere, then, can be seen the emergence of a global community which, connected through its institutions, is striving to establish a pattern of activity that gives due respect to local autonomy without creating a sense of isolation from the whole, that attaches importance to material means without allowing them to become instruments of control, that provides for the flow of knowledge without introducing paternalistic attitudes, that strengthens capacity in individuals without any regard for their economic background. (III v §7)
IV. The methodology of BahĂĄâĂ social and economic development
In addition to those elements of the conceptual framework that define the nature of BahĂĄâĂ development efforts, there are a number of concepts which shed light on the methods to be adopted. That the collective investigation of reality can best be undertaken in an atmosphere which encourages detachment from personal views, that such an ongoing investigation should give due importance to valid empirical information, that mere opinion should not be raised to the status of fact, that conclusions should correspond to the complexity of the issues at hand and not be broken up into a series of simplistic points, that the articulation of observations and conclusions should be presented in precise and dispassionate language, that progress in every area of endeavour is contingent upon the creation of an environment where powers are multiplied and manifest themselves in unified actionâgeneral concepts such as these, drawn from both science and religion, inform the specific methodological perspective discussed below. (IV §1)
(i) Reading society and formulating a vision
For more elaborate endeavours of social and economic development, reading society with higher and higher degrees of accuracy has to become an explicit element of the methodology of learning. (IV i §1)
Every development effort can be said to represent a response to some understanding of the nature and state of society, its challenges, the institutions operating in it, the forces influencing it, and the capacities of its peoples. To read society in this way is not to explore every detail of the social reality. Nor does it necessarily involve formal studies. Conditions need to be understood progressively, both from the perspective of a particular endeavourâs purpose and in the context of a vision of humanityâs collective existence. Indeed, it is vital that the reading of society be consistent with the teachings of the Faith.... BahĂĄâĂ-inspired organizations supporting relatively complex lines of action need to continually refine their reading of society, using the methods of science to the best of their abilities. (IV i §2)
...when an effort is participatory, in the sense that it seeks to involve the people themselves in the generation and application of knowledge, as all forge together a path of progress, dualities such as âoutsider-insiderâ and âknowledgeable-ignorantâ quickly disappear. (IV i §3)
According to their reading of society, those engaged in social action form and refine a vision of their work within the social space available to them. The word âvisionâ here does not simply mean a set of goals or a description of an idealized future condition. Particularly when a BahĂĄâĂ-inspired organization is involved, a vision has to express a general idea of how goals are to be achieved: the nature of the strategies to be devised, the approaches to be taken, the attitudes to be assumed, and even an outline of some of the methods to be employed. The vision of work articulated by such an organization is never complete; it has to become more and more precise, be able to accommodate constantly evolving and ever more complex action, and attain increasingly high levels of accuracy in its operation. (IV i §4)
(ii) Consultation
If learning in action is to be the primary mode of operation in the area of social and economic development, the BahĂĄâĂ principle of consultation needs to be fully appreciated. Whether concerned with analysing a specific problem, attaining higher degrees of understanding on a given issue, or exploring possible courses of action, consultation may be seen as collective search for truth. Participants in a consultative process see reality from different points of view, and as these views are examined and understood, clarity is achieved. In this conception of the collective investigation of reality, truth is not a compromise between opposing interest groups. Nor does the desire to exercise power over one another animate participants in the consultative process. What they seek, rather, is the power of unified thought and action. (IV ii §1)
In the context of social action, the principle of consultation is expressed in a variety of forms, each appropriate to the space within which it occurs. Often, when a small group is engaged in an endeavour, every matter of concern is the subject of consultation. Yet, within an organization, the principle will find expression in different ways. What should be noted in this connection is that, at times, consultation is undertaken between those regarded as equals with the aim of reaching a joint decision, as in the case of the deliberations of a Spiritual Assembly. Under other circumstances, it takes the form of a discussion, as may be necessary, to draw out thoughts and information towards the enrichment of common understanding, but with the decision being made by those with authority. It is this latter form that would distinguish the operations of a BahĂĄâĂ-inspired organization, where a degree of individual or group authority is given to those on whom responsibility has been conferred. (IV ii §2)
Clearly, then, not every person within an organization will participate equally in making every decision. Responsibility needs to be appropriately structured and defined. For example, there will be many spaces in which individuals involved in a particular component of the work will have the opportunity to share insights, reach higher levels of understanding, and make certain decisions pertaining to their area of functioning. In the case of an organization with a board and an executive director, they will often take decisions without the need to consult with every member of the organization. But theirs is also the responsibility to create an atmosphere in which relevant information and knowledge flow openly and in which the results of consultation in all the spaces of the organization are conveyed in ways that promote understanding and consensus among its members. (IV ii §3)
Beyond such considerations, a consultative spirit pervades the interactions of those engaged in social action, of whatever size and complexity, and the population they serve. This does not imply that formal mechanisms are necessarily in place for this purpose. It suggests, rather, that the aspirations of the people, their observations and ideas, are ever present and are consciously incorporated into plans and programmes. (IV ii §4)
(iii) Action and reflection on action
At the heart of every development endeavour is consistent, systematic action. Action, however, needs to be accompanied by constant reflection to ensure that it continues to serve the aims of the endeavour.... An approach to development defined in terms of learning... depends... on structured reflection woven into a pattern of action, through which questions can emerge and methods and approaches be adjusted. (IV iii §1)
A distinguishing feature of any BahĂĄâĂ endeavour has to be the emphasis it places on the spirit with which action is undertaken. This requires from the participants purity of motive, rectitude of conduct, humility, selflessness, and respect for human dignity. (IV iii §4)
V. Guiding Principles
In general, a challenge for any instance of social action is to ensure consistencyâamong the explicit and implicit convictions which underpin an initiative, the values promoted by it, the attitudes adopted by its participants, the methods they employ, and the ends they seek. Achieving consistency between belief and practice is no small task: a deep-seated recognition of the oneness of humanity should prevent all efforts from fostering disunity, isolation, separateness or competition; an unshakeable conviction in the nobility of human beings, capable of subduing their lower passions and evincing heavenly qualities, should serve to protect against prejudice and paternalism, both of which violate the dignity of people; an immutable belief in justice should guide an endeavour to allocate resources according to the real needs and aspirations of the community rather than the whims and wishes of a privileged few; the principle of the equality of women and men should open the way not only for women to assume their role as protagonists of development and benefit from its fruits but also for the experience of that half of the worldâs population to be given more and more emphasis in development thought. (V §2)
If contradictions are to be avoided, the participants in an endeavour need to become increasingly aware of the environment within which their work advances. On the one hand, they are to freely draw insights from the range of philosophies, academic theories, community programmes and social movements within that environment and to keep current with the technological trends that influence progress. On the other hand, they should remain watchful lest they allow the teachings to be bent into conformity with this or that ideology, intellectual fad or fashionable practice. In this connection, the capacity to measure the value of prevalent approaches, ideas, attitudes, and methods in the balance of the Faith is vital. This capacity enables one, for example, to uncover the aggrandizement of self so often lying behind initiatives that are nominally concerned with empowerment, to discern the tendency of certain development efforts to foist upon the poor an entirely materialistic worldview, to perceive the subtle ways in which competitiveness and greed can be promoted in the name of justice and prosperity, and ultimately to abandon the notion that one or another theory or movement which may fleetingly acquire some prominence in the wider society can provide a shortcut to meaningful change. (V §3)
Last updated 30 August 2015